Banipal welcomes inquiries from both authors or translators about submitting work. Banipal magazine is a magazine of translation, exclusively featuring authors from the Arab world.
Banipal is a magazine for lovers of literature, of world literature, to encourage a wider readership of Arab writers and poets for their own sake, and for both the particularity and the universality of their voices. Banipal publishes Arab writers and poets who write in French, English or German as well as the main Arabic language, presenting the reality of literature from the Arab world and naming it ‘Arab’ rather than ‘Arabic’ literature (which excludes literature by Arab authors not written in Arabic – and consequently many great Arab writers).
Most of the works translated are commissioned, from works that have already appeared in the original languages in a published form, in books, magazines, newspapers or in on-line media. A minority of works published are written originally in English.
Banipal welcomes postal submissions, as well as all inquiries by email. Banal does not accept unsolicited submissions sent by email attachment. Unsolicited submissions will be automatically deleted. Correspondence following receipt of a postal submission will be made by email.
Margaret Obank
Samuel Shimon