
The Swala Tribe

The Swala Tribe
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Call for Submission
Long Business Description

The Swala Tribe is a Rwanda-based platform seeing the rise for poets and illustrators alike. We are now seeking submissions for our debut poetry anthology from African poets and those of African background. Send up to three of your best, previously unpublished poems of any length style, genre & theme. All poems should be primarily in English

Submissions should be sent as Word document to theswalatribe@gmail.com with the subject line “Submission: The Swala Tribe Poetry Anthology” and your bio (100 words max) in the body of the message, together with the author’s links to their Social Media pages, blog and/or website, etc… If sending more than one poem, make sure they are all in one document and each poem titled separately. Again, if your poem(s) happen to have a special way of formatting, let it be known at the foot of the document with ‘NOTE THAT:’, all caps. Deadline is on March 31st, 2019 at 11:59pm CAT

Writers retain copyright of their work right after publication but are required to mention us as the first publishers if the piece(s) happen to be published somewhere else. However, the Swala Tribe team reserves the right to make edits to selected works that suit the publication but artist will be notified and their consent to those edits sought for.

Note that we do NOT accept simultaneous submissions.

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Kigali Rwanda

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