
Category: feature articles

Kalahari Review

Kalahari Review is an African-eccentric magazine interested in material exploring Africa and Africans in unique and avant-garde ways. Telling new stories from everyday African life as told by the people that are living it. It seeks stories that have not often been told but should be – through voices that have not yet been heard – but should. The Kalahari [ … ]

Submit: Through the Eyes of African Women

Deadline: no deadline. Through the Eyes of African Women supports young women writers between the ages of 13-35. Submit your poetry, prose or any other form of fiction writing. The team accepts one-off submissions as well as applications to become a continuous contributor to its Medium publication: Unbound. If selected for a contributor position, the team will work with you [ … ]

Afridiaspora Accepts Unsolicited Submissions

Afridiaspora is opened for submission year round. An African webzine fetching African stories from every part of the world, Afridiaspora seeks eager African writers willing to tell their own stories as it should be told, in new voices, old voices, uncategorised voices, voices yearning to be heard, voices so subtle, the world could feel it in their bones. There is no [ … ]