Deadline: Friday, Aug. 26, 2016.
The Ake Arts and Book Festival calls for entries for its 2016 Ake Review. The Ake Review is an annual multi-lingual literary journal that serves as a vehicle for the promotion and celebration of African culture. You can submit original and unpublished prose, poetry, and artwork that centers around this years “beneath this skin” theme. Stories should talk about identity, race, and individuality issues.
You can either submit up to three poems, a maximum of 1600 words prose and up to 2 artwork in high-res jpeg. Also remember to include a 70 words bio. Entries can be written in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Yoruba (with or without translation).
Prose can either be fiction, creative non-fiction, or reviews. Artwork can photography, performance art, or visual art.
Submit your entries as Microsoft Word attachments to Write ‘AR Submission’ as the subject line. Your work should be written in serif font and be double-spaced.
You can only submit one entry. Multiple submissions will lead to outright disqualification. The published authors will receive two copies of Ake Review.