Subject/Style: ANANSI considers original works of fiction by writers of African descent. Our intention is to publish excellent fiction from writers throughout the African Diaspora that appeals to readers of diverse literary interests.
SASE: Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Cover Letter: Introduce yourself and your work in a brief cover letter. Please include any information you wish.
Payment: Payment in copies and $50 (US). Each contributor will receive three (3) copies of the issue in which a work appears.
Terms: seeking original, previously unpublished short fiction and novel excerpts from all genres. Simultaneous submissions accepted but discouraged. Replies to submissions within 4-6, depending on volume. Copyright reverts back to the author after publication.
Format: Send 2 copies of your work. Manuscripts must be typed (doubled-spaced) and printed on white letter-sized paper with one-inch margins. Your contact information should appear on the first page of each new piece only. Number all pages.