Kalahari Review is an African-eccentric magazine interested in material exploring Africa and Africans in unique and avant-garde ways. Telling new stories from everyday African life as told by the people that are living it. It seeks stories that have not often been told but should be – through voices that have not yet been heard – but should.
The Kalahari Review always is open for submissions. Since, it is a web-based publication, there are no word count restrictions or deadlines.
All submissions should be emailed to: editor@kalaharireview.com
Fiction, poetry, essays, and humour pieces: should be single spaced word document attached to the email with a proper query letter as the body of the email.
Note: Please submit poems in collections of 2-4 at a time.
Photos, paintings, digital art, illustrations and cartoons portfolios: Should be sent in collections of 6-12, as a PDF, JPG. or PNG attachments and should be accompanied by a proper query letter in the body of the email.
Feature articles, profiles, exposés, short memoirs, interviews and conversations, reviews, creative non-fiction, creative journalism, etc: Pitch letters should be single spaced word document attached to the email. Please include any photos or graphic illustrations that you feel would help your pitch.
Always include your contact details including full name, postal address, e-mail and telephone number in the body of the query letter.
Note: Please thoroughly check your submissions for proper formatting, grammar and punctuation. Gross errors in these areas will seriously damage any work’s consideration for publication.
Submit: fiction, poetry, essays, humor pieces