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PRAXIS’ Call for Submission

PRAXIS Magazine for Arts and Literature
Submissions are welcomed all year round.

Praxis Magazine Online is currently inviting submissions in four genres: poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and journal stories. Praxis Magazine Online is a platform for artists and writers to commune, debate, and progress their craft respectively. It covers literary events across Africa, gives voice to emerging writers and artists, and even promotes literature in indigenous languages. Specific guidelines for each area appear below, along with the email address for submissions in each genre. Review the guidelines carefully as submissions that do not adhere to the guidelines will be returned unread.


Must be the original, unpublished work of the author. Each submission should include two to five poems. All poems should be in a single Word document attached to your submission email. Please start each poem in the document on a new page, and use a standard, 12-point font (e.g. Times New Roman 12-point). All lines of the poem should begin on the left margin. Epigrams should be in italics below the title. If needed, a glossary of non-English words should appear below the poem in which they are used. Also include a bio statement of no more than 150 words, which should include your location.

The subject line of your email should be your name as you would want it to appear with your poem(s) if your work is accepted for publication. In the body of your email, please include the following information: title(s) of the poems in your submission document, whether your work has been published at Praxis previously, and a copy of the bio statement in your submission document. Poetry submissions should be sent to poetry@praxismagonline.com.

The Praxis team is open to traditional and experimental styles, including prose poems, as long as the poem as a whole is aligned to the left margin. It accepts poems in indigenous African languages if they are accompanied by an English translation. Also, it accepts collaborative submissions by two or more poets, or mixed-genre submissions (poetry + photography or poetry + art). And it considers simultaneous submissions as long as it’s emailed immediately once the work is accepted elsewhere so it can be removed from consideration.


Must be an original, unpublished work of the author. While its fiction team may, from time to time, solicit reprints directly from the original author and publisher, but please do not submit unsolicited work that has been previously published. Each submission should include one to three stories, 500 to 3000 words. Each story should be in a separate Word document attached to your submission email. Please use a standard, 12-point font (e.g. Times New Roman 12-point). If needed, a glossary of non-English words should appear at the end of the story.

Fiction submissions should be sent to fiction@praxismagonline.com.The subject line of your email should be your name as you would want it to appear with your piece(s) if your work is accepted for publication. In the body of your email, please include the following information: title(s) of the stories in attached Word document(s), whether your work has been published at Praxis previously, and a copy of your bio statement. Include a bio statement of no more than 150 words, with your location mentioned.

The team will consider simultaneous submissions as long as it’s emailed immediately once the work is accepted elsewhere so it can be removed from consideration.

Nonfiction & Essays

Must be an original, unpublished work of the author. Each submission should include one to three essays, 500 to 3000 words. Each piece should be in a separate Word document attached to your submission email. Please use a standard, 12-point font (e.g. Times New Roman 12-point).

Non-fiction submissions should be sent to essay@praxismagonline.com. The subject line of your email should be your name as you would want it to appear with your piece(s) if your work is accepted for publication. In the body of your email, please include the following information: title(s) of the essays in attached Word document(s), whether your work has been published at Praxis previously, and a copy of your bio statement.

It will consider simultaneous submissions, but do email us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere so we can remove it from consideration. Your bio statement should be no more than 300 words and should mention your location.




IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT send submissions to the personal email addresses of any members of the editorial team unless you have been specifically requested to do so. Uninvited emails to personal accounts will be deleted without acknowledgment.

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