CompetitionFictionInternational SubmissionPoetryproseshort stories

Submit: Big Pond Rumours Literary Contest

Big Pond Rumours Literary Contest
 Deadline: December 15.

Big Pond Rumours is currently running its Magazine Content. The team is looking for quality writing and accepts poetry and prose submissions. You can submit up to 80 lines of poetry or a short fiction piece between 2,000 and 3,500 words. The team accepts multiple submissions.

Format your submission as follows: poetry should be single-spaced while fiction should be double-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman. The team also accepts works in .pdf, .doc and .docx files.

The contest, however, has an entrance fee of $10 CDN. The judges will select first, second and third place winners for poems and stories. The winners will be published in a special contest section of the E-Zin. Also, the first place winner gets $100 CDN, and the second gets $50 CDN.

Submit your work via its Submittable or email your submission to editor@big-pond-rumours.com. Include a cover letter with name, address, phone number and working email. Also, add a note detailing your previous publications and where you live for contributor notes. And, include a headshot too for the contributors’ notes.

Big Pond Rumours is an international literary E-Zine that publishes poetry, story, literary essays, and biographies. The publication supports emerging and established authors by exposing them to an international online audience. It releases two issues each year, Summer and Winter.

The E-Zine also publishes content often and is open to pitches. Check its website for more details. Direct all inquiries to Sharon Berg at editor@big-pond-rumours.com or at sharon@sharonberg.com.

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