Submission Calls

Submit to African Writer Magazine

Submission Call: TSSF Journal
Deadline: rolling basis

African Writer is open to all genres of literature from Africa and the African Diaspora. The team publishes prose fiction, creative non-fiction, folktales, poetry, dramatic pieces, essays/creative features, interviews/profiles, book excerpts/reviews, etc.

Ensure all entries are single line spaced, and in standard Times New Roman 12pt. font. Also, ensure that the submission is properly edited for errors.

Include a brief profile, your email address and social media handles, and how you would like your name to appear. You can also attach a photo or content image.

It has no length restrictions, but less is encouraged, although a powerfully written piece will be considered whatever the length. Try to keep it under 5000 words if you can. For poetry, submit at least 2 to give the readers a proper sampling of your work (unless it is an extended poem).

All submissions (.doc, .rtf, .docx, .odt file formats) can be emailed to write(at)africanwriter.com.

AfricanWriter.com is currently unable to pay for submissions. There is no true deadline limitation. There is a loose cut-off date. Most contributions are published (or not) within a month of receipt and the writer is notified via email.

  1. Paris Mametja

    Hi, I am young writer who writes African short stories, I would like to know how do I send my manuscript?


  2. Janet Bucher

    I suggest you visit and submit your work to African Writer magazine because it is a great web.
    African Writer is a monthly magazine that is published in the United Kingdom and distributed free throughout the UK.

  3. Ronewa Mulaudzi

    Hey , I just wanted to say I am interested in appearing in this magazine as I am a writer.
    Background information: My name is Ronewa VIctoria Mulaudzi and I am a 15 turning 16 in July year old female who is currently in the process of publishing a book(poetry) , by mid June the book will probably be published and will be available to the public as I will be selling etc etc

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