Deadline: Feb 28, 2017.
uHlanga, a small poetry press based in Cape Town, South Africa, today opened its manuscript reading period call. It seeks chapbooks and collections of poetry from South African poets or poets living in South Africa. Authors should submit manuscripts written in English, Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, or a combination.
Authors should submit manuscripts written in English, Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, or a combination. While it offers no required length, uHlanga mostly publishes books containing 20-40 poems. Submit a structured, coherent, and economical manuscript. uHlanga can accept manuscripts with previously published poems. However, you must acknowledge such poems in your manuscript and have the rights to reprint them.
It will not accept anthologies, retrospective collections or previously published manuscripts. Send submission to, as a.doc or .pdf attachment. Write all text in Times New Roman. Include your name and contact information on a cover letter attached alongside the manuscript. Being familiar with our books is essential: feel free to mention to us why you think your manuscript will be a good fit for uHlanga.
Please include your name and contact information on your manuscript’s cover letter. You can also include why you think your manuscript is a good fit.
uHlanga will only reply to writers with successful entries it plans to publish. Such writers will receive a standard contract. Please note that this is not a competition. uHlanga reserves the right to publish none of the manuscripts received during this submissions period.
Nelisa Nono
Has Uhlanga press nominated the luck poets for february 2017 submissions
Nelisa, no, uHlanga hasn’t announced anything yet about the submissions. You can follow its Facebook page,, to stay abreast of the situation.