Submission Calls

Submit: The Shallow Tales Review

Submit: The Shallow Tales Review
Deadline: 20th of each publishing month

The Shallow Tales Review accepts fiction, articles, reviews, poems, one-act plays, essays, art photographs, and thoughts that touch on the sensibilities of the African. Literary criticisms must concern texts that are of modern and African temperament. For essays, you should tackle themes logically and as clearly as possible. Feel free to break genre restrictions as you wish. The team appreciates fluidity and values ingenuity.

Nonartwork entries should be between 1,500 – 4,000 words and should come in .doc or .docx format. Poetry submissions should not be more than forty (40) lines, per poem. The team accepts a maximum of three poetry entries at a time. Files should be saved with the title of the work, and in the case of a body of poems, with the first poem in the file.

Entries should be sent in by mail to the editor at theshallowtalesreview@gmail.com with “TSTR Submissions” in the subject line.

The Shallow Tales Review literary magazine publishes six times a year in January, March, May, July, September, and November. We begin to receive entries from the 1st of every publishing month. The deadline for submissions is on the 20th of each publishing month.

Submit: The Shallow Tales Review



One comment
  1. Lilitha Mabude

    My name is Lilitha. I am a South African writer and I am 17 years old. I have been writing since I was 11 years old and since then, I could not wake and spend a day without thinking of writing. Although I have been writing for a long time, I didn’t find it in me to share my work with the world. It took a lot to finally convince myself that I should at least try becoming a storyteller who touches people with the power of words.

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