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Submit: Through the Eyes of African Women

Submit: Through the Eyes of African Women
Deadline: no deadline.

Through the Eyes of African Women supports young women writers between the ages of 13-35. Submit your poetry, prose or any other form of fiction writing. The team accepts one-off submissions as well as applications to become a continuous contributor to its Medium publication: Unbound. If selected for a contributor position, the team will work with you to build an audience for your work.

Only African women are eligible to submit. All you have to do is to submit your articles and short stories to info@theeyesofafricanwomen.com. Short historical, cultural, social or political analysis essays will be considered for the Discover page and main publication. Analysis essays should be well-researched and include citations. Poetry, short fiction, and personal essays will be featured on Unbound. We are looking for thoughtful, compelling and imaginative pieces that draw on your perspectives and experiences.

Submissions may cover any topic or address any issue. However, the team will also provide a theme and writing prompts for writers who would like to be considered for its quarterly digital publication which will be available through Issuu and the main site. Submissions may also be considered for the quarterly publication regardless of whether you intentionally wrote on the prescribed theme or prompts.

Be sure to include your full name, nationality, social media handles, and a phone number. Send in well-written articles on relevant social and political issues related to women and development in Africa and the world.

PLEASE NOTE: Your bio is particularly important at Through the Eyes of African Women. The team cares about who you are and want to understand how your experiences shape your perspectives. For poetry, personal essays and fictional prose especially, please be sure to include a short description of your submission.

    1. Admin

      We recommend that you follow our blog. This way, you get the notifications when we put up a new submission. You can follow our blog by providing your email on the front page.

  1. Adejumo Gloria

    I wish to publish a long story 2019 but this page is bringing only 2018 update and is asking for short fiction story

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